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Maja Ejrnæs – Photo by Nicolai Vesthammer 2022-3055.jpg


Anthropologist | Facilitator | Artist

Passionate about social encounters and transformative processes. 

For the past 10 years, I have been engaged with social innovation - from the perspective of an analyst, artist, project manager, evaluator, inspirator, and group facilitator. 

I am educated cand.scient.anth. from Copenhagen University - specialized in practice based research (PBR), sensory methods, and design anthropology.

I am a trained in a wide range of artistic practices such as contact improvisation (CI), forum theatre, Roy Hart, CVT, and interventionist performance art. 

I have worked a lot with experience design (immersion, interaction), creative method development, and process facilitation. I am used to interdisciplinary collaboration, especially in the intersection between art, health care, and education. 

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